Friday, May 3, 2024  5:00PM – 7:30PM
Pre-show performance by Cherry Chase Band at 4:40PM

Join us for one of the most awaited events of the year: International Night 2024!

It is a perfect display of the multi-cultural mix of Silicon Valley, and as an Elementary School, Cherry Chase celebrates its diversity every year at International Night. Learn about different countries and cultures through food, traditional attire, languages, dance, and more!

Event Schedule:
4:40 Band performance pre-show
5:00 Welcome and Parade of Nations
5:15 Booths open. Fill out a scavenger hunt page and earn a prize!
5:30 Strings performance
5:40 Cultural performances
6:30 Dance party music
7:30 Booths close, event ends


We need your help to make this amazing event happen. Volunteering is easy and incredibly rewarding. Sign up to help with setup, welcome table, and cleanup at International Night Volunteer Sign Up


Countries and cultures are represented by booth displays. Every booth displays speciality of their country/culture like artifacts, symbols, and festivals. It is all created by all Cherry Chase enthusiastic parent volunteers and their children.

Your entire family is invited to browse the various country booths for their illuminating cultural displays and enjoy a variety of delicious food.


There will be a Red Carpet Parade also where families who wear the traditional attire of their countries/cultures march, which makes the evening one of the most culture rich and vibrant moments of the year.


Visit the information table to pick up a scavenger hunt page. Visit the booths to get the page stamped. Complete the page and collect a prize!

Prizes are generously sponsored by Product-with-Pri – Fast-track your Product Management career with Coach Pri! Email to set up a free career strategy call.


As we believe in less garbage-more recycling eco-friendly event: please bring your own reusable cups, plates, utensils and water bottles.

International Night flags on display

With so much fun, color and joy, International Night is one of the events Cherry Chase families await with excitement from one year to the next!

Adult family members are responsible for the safety and supervision of their children during the event.

Questions? Please contact

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