Student Participation Checklist 

On April 4:

  • Wear the comfortable shoes, shirts and pants.
  • Walkathon shirts will be distributed in the morning. You may choose to wear it over your shirt or change in the bathroom.
  • Bring a reusable water bottle.


Parent Participation Checklist 

Join us on the morning of Friday, April 4th!

  • Take the morning off to volunteer, cheer on the walkers, and enjoy the festivities!
  • Get in the loop! All of the key event details are in the info packet that was sent home with your student. Visit each of the Walk-A-Thon & Auction web pages and read the weekly Monday e-blasts for updates and reminders.
  • Purchase food tickets. A variety of tasty treats are available on-site to fuel our walkers and spirited supporters. Food tickets can be pre-purchased online as well as during the event.

Help your child raise pledge donations

  • Collect pledge donations online or in person. Our goal is for each student to raise $150, but any amount is appreciated! Even $15 will contribute towards class participation pizza parties. Kids can earn a variety of awesome prizes for their fundraising efforts.

Donate prizes for the online auction

  • Donate a new item or gift card (value ≥$20). Drop donations in the PTA nook in the front office by Friday, March 21st.
  • Family/parent hosted experiences are some of the most popular items in our Auction. Offer an hour of your service, share your special skill, bake a tasty treat, or co-host a party with friends! Fill out this form to submit your offerings.


  • Volunteering is fun, easy, and essential for the success of the event! We need over 250 parents to run this event! 
  • Sign up early to select a volunteer position of your choice. Volunteers serving on campus before 9:00am on the day of the event should be volunteer cleared.
  • Submit this form to lend supplies and donate snacks, baked goods, and drinks.
  • Go to to see if your employer will match your volunteer hours with a financial donation.

Bid on auction prizes

  • Each year, our online auction features a wide variety of great prizes. Register and bid generously!

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