What’s New For Walk-a-Thon 2025?
Walk-A-Thon 2025 is a MORNING event!
Walk-A-Thon 2025 will take place on the morning of Friday, April 4th, from 9am to 12pm. This scheduling change ensures all students will be able to participate equally. School cafeteria breakfast and lunch will be available, as usual, and we will be selling snacks and fun foods. Laps, pledges, prizes, and auction will be the same as in previous years!
To accommodate the regular lunch schedule, the walking course will close at 11:30. Prize collection, turning in lap cards, and fun foods will be available until 12:00.
Continued Use of 99Pledges
Building on last year’s success, we’re continuing to use the 99Pledges platform for making online pledges and donations. Each Cherry Chase student already has their own profile page created and pre-populated with a welcome message with details about the Walk-A-Thon and its importance to our school and community. Family members can use the students page as is or personalize it with their student’s own message, picture and personal goal.
You can reach out to friends & family via email, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp or text message, etc. Donors can easily make donations electronically from any device using credit cards, Paypal, Apple Pay or Google Pay! Be on the lookout for an email with a link to your student’s individual profile page and instructions to personalize it.