Please sign up HERE. Walk-a-Thon is 100% volunteer-led and we need your help! We need 200+ volunteers during the event, so we need every family to participate. 

What you can help:

  • Sign up early to select a volunteer position of your choice. Volunteers serving on campus before 9:00am on the day of the event should be volunteer cleared. During the event 9:00am-12:00pm, families can attend and help even if they aren’t volunteer cleared.
  • Submit this form to lend supplies and donate snacks, baked goods, and drinks.
  • Go to to see if your employer will match your volunteer hours with a financial donation.

More detailed information about HOW TO volunteer can be found HERE. And you can also check out the PTA e-Blasts (WAT Special) for additional updates and action items leading up to the event!

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